When it comes to handwashing, most people have really stepped up this practice since COVID-19 impacted our lives. Handwashing is an essential habit for warding off germs and viruses, but to get the most out of handwashing, you need to take the time to do it well. Below are the steps that will help keep you well while also promoting healthy skin.
1. Remove your jewelry. All jewelry can harbor germs, bacteria, dirt, and grime. Even with handwashing, bacteria can remain underneath rings on your fingers. It is important to remove your hand jewelry when you wash your hands to ensure that you are getting every part of your hands clean.
2. Get your hands wet. In order to get a good lather of soap, you need to wet your hands before you put soap on them. Use warm water, not hot, to help prevent your skin from drying out and causing skin irritation.
3. Use a gentle soap. You do not need to use a harsh cleanser to remove bacteria and germs from your hands. Use a mild soap and rub it vigorously into a thick lather. Make sure you distribute the lather all over the fronts and backs of your hands and wrists to ensure a thorough cleanse.
4. Interlace your fingers. It is important to clean in between your fingers. Interlace your fingers together and rub them to help remove dirt and grime that builds up on this delicate skin.
5. Scrub your nails. Fingernails are a place where grime, dirt, and bacteria love to build up. Make sure you scrub your nails to kill and remove the gross crud that collects underneath them. Also, knowing how dirty your nails are, now is the perfect time to stop biting your nails if this is a bad habit for you.
6. Rinse your hands off thoroughly. Just as you need to take the time to wash your hands well, you also need to make sure you rinse your hands off thoroughly. If there is a soapy residue left on your hands, germs and bacteria will easily stick to the film left behind – completely undermining the reason for handwashing.
7. Dry your hands off completely. Take the time to use a single-use towel or cloth to dry your hands off well. Dab them dry to avoid irritating your skin.
8. Apply a hand moisturizer. It is vital to keep your hands clean between washings. A gentle moisturizer will nourish your skin and help create a natural barrier to prevent dryness and irritation.
At Kayal Dermatology, we encourage everyone to make handwashing an integral part of their lives. Effective handwashing can help prevent the spread of viruses, like COVID-19, and boost your health.
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141 Lacy Street, Suite 200
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: (770) 426-7177
FAX: (770) 426-7745
Email: kayaldermatology@gmail.com
Mon-Fri: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm