Most people know how alcohol consumption can lead to addiction, DUI offense, mental illnesses, and liver disease. Yet, do you know about the adverse effects that alcohol can cause on your skin?
Regular alcohol consumption can cause your skin to suffer consequences that you may not be aware of — dehydration and inflammation.
Alcohol affects the mucous membranes of the body. Dehydration occurs because alcohol effectively extracts fluid from the skin, leaving it dry and wrinkled over time.
There is a histamine reaction that occurs when people consume alcohol. Alcohol triggers a systemic inflammation in the entire body, noticed in the skin by red flushing of the face. For those who drink alcohol regularly, if this inflammation occurs on a consistent basis, it can lead to lingering and prominent facial redness.
The most important thing to know when it comes to alcohol consumption is that moderation is vital. Alcohol will take its toll on the entire body when consumed in high quantities over time. Organs throughout the body are directly impacted, and you need to keep in mind that your skin is your body’s largest organ.
Water is your body’s best friend. When you do choose to drink alcohol, you should follow up by drinking a full glass of water. Not only will this help to get the alcohol out of your system faster, but it will also add needed hydration back to your skin.
At Kayal Dermatology, we want to encourage you to take the best possible care of your skin in all aspects of life. Please be mindful of your alcohol intake and how it can negatively affect many aspects of your life, including your skin. Kayal Dermatology is committed to helping patients achieve beautiful, healthy skin through wise lifestyle habits that will help retain vibrant, youthful skin.
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141 Lacy Street, Suite 200
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone: (770) 426-7177
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Mon-Fri: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm